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Why is an Annual Gas Fireplace Inspection Needed?

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If you have our Hearth Service Plan you may be wondering why you need the annual clean and service that is included. An annual gas fireplace inspection is easily overlooked, because gas fireplaces burn clean and are easy to take care of. While this is true, ANY appliance becomes a nuisance if neglected over time. 

Your fireplace puts in hard work when it is heating your home. Annual inspection in the summer ensure that your fireplace is fully functioning all year round. But it’s never too late to schedule your annual gas fireplace inspection. 

Debris, junk and all that gunk ———-

Debris likes to hang out in the vents, in the flue and inside the chimney. Removing debris allows for proper airflow and chances of odor coming from the fireplace. Fireplace debris includes:

  1. Deteriorating logs: ceramic or faux logs inserts can eventually deteriorate with use, clinging to the sides of the insert and getting trapped. 
  2. Dirty glass doors or frames: chipped or scratched glass can become a hazard over time. It can effect the heat output of your fireplace, and no one wants that. 
  3. Residue: The inside and outside of a gas fireplace needs to be cleaned once in a while. It is very important to follow manufacturer’s instructions, and use approved products for cleaning. 

What happens during an inspection?

During your annual gas fireplace inspection, the technician will first look at the exterior. Glass and framework inspection is done to ensure that there are no safety issues with the outside of the unit. While checking for dents or debris, the technician will also look at the interior gas ignition and make sure it is lighting correctly. They also make sure your log set is not deteriorating. Often times, the face of the unit will be taken off, so they can inspect the valves underneath your fireplace. They will make sure your fireplace’s heat output is correct and clean up any residue that has started to block any vents. After a routine check, your technician will make sure your carbon monoxide detectors are working and that you are aware of any repairs your gas fireplace may need. 

Safety is always number one when it comes to enjoying a roaring fire in your home. By having an annual inspection, you ensure that your beautiful fireplace is running at peak efficiency for whenever you need the glow of your hearth and extra heat.