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Fireplace Doors – Why Do You Need Them?

Image Souce: https://food.fnr.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2018/10/15/KC1812_Grilled-Pumpkin-BBQ-Glazed-Pork-Chops2_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.826.620.suffix/1539627965773.jpeg
Fall Fuel: Pumpkin BBQ-Glazed Pork Chops
September 22, 2022
Preparing Your Fireplace This Fall
October 18, 2022

 Did you know that one of the main causes of house fires are from heating equipment? House fires can result in personal injury and leave you with irreversible property damage.

Glass fireplace doors are a multi-purpose accessory that is intended to provide protection and offer comfort for you and your loved ones.

Below are some of the main reasons to consider fireplace doors:

  1. Safety– Children and pets are generally curious. Sometimes that curiosity can result in danger. Sparks and tumbling logs can also emerge from the fireplace and result in property damage or injury. In terms of safety, fireplace doors steer them away from hot ash and ember and protect your home from debris damage.
  2. Blockage– During the cold months, a draft can come through your chimney or venting system when your fireplace is not in use. Glass doors block the cool air from entering your home, while keeping the existing heat in and under control. Your fireplace will burn at peak efficiency.
  3. Cleanliness– Fallen debris, bark, cinder, and hot ash leave room for a messy clean up. Fireplace doors can decrease or eliminate the need for sweeping debris. Plus, a smudge-free carpet is another bonus.
  4. Aesthetics- Aside from safety, fireplace doors are predominantly known for their visual appeal. An elegant finish. A part of your home decor. Not to mention, the wide selection of customizable, classic and modern styles to choose from. Choosing a design offers an enjoyable, personalized experience for everyone!

Fireplace doors are made from tempered glass. Tempered glass uses the process of chemical treatments to increase its strength. The main problem with fireplace doors is the possibility of broken glass. Although unlikely, continued heat exposure to temperatures over 600 degrees can cause the internal structure to shatter. One solution is to keep your doors open during a blazing fire – this will help with monitoring temperature.

At Tevis Home, we prioritize your safety, especially in the comfort of your own home. Our experts have a vast knowledge in fireplace safety features and will help you decide best suited for your family. To schedule an appointment with our site estimator, click here.

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